
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy hunting!

It's getting close to that time of year again. Parent-teacher conferences are looming, grade cards are being printed, we're just about over the hump of Winter, and pretty soon you'll start seeing postings for teaching positions, as well as "kindergarten round-up" meetings, all over the internet. Whether you are in a program that is still growing, adding a new grade level each year, or are in a seasoned Immersion program, I'm pretty sure you'll need someone new this year. How will we find each other?

Some of our districts are accustomed to being "the best" and consequently have teachers clamoring to get their resumes in first. Other districts struggle to woo teachers into their district. Either way, I find that with each passing year, the funnel of applicants gets narrower. In Michigan it didn't help that the State decided to eliminate the elementary certification with a foreign language major. Really? What were they thinking? We have seen a groundswell of Immersion programs in West Michigan, and yet the State discouraged students from pursuing these teaching opportunities. In order to teach in our schools now, they will need double majors: elementary education and Spanish.

If you're a competent language teacher looking for a job, or if you're a concerned administrator looking for a new teacher to complement your Immersion program, how will we find each other? Teachers, get your name out there! Talk to EVERYONE you know! I know it's hard today to get "face time" with HR people; most schools now require that you apply online first. But call and ask to visit our schools! Talk to other teachers you know who are in an Immersion program. Tell your friends, your mom's friends, your doctor, your counselor, your pastor, your bus driver....get the word out! Let everyone know you'd love to teach in an Immersion program! If you're still looking for a school in which to do your student teaching, request an Immersion program!

If you're an administrator, and you KNOW you're going to need a new teacher in your Immersion program, start talking to colleges now. Don't limit your calls to in-state colleges. Contact heads of language departments and education departments at the colleges to let them know exactly what kind of teacher you're looking for. Give yourself some breathing room--don't wait till the last minute to start the interview process. The funnel is smaller for Immersion, so make your contacts before your competitor does. It is such an encouragement to your current staff to see your proactive search to complete and enhance your teaching team.

If you're a seasoned teacher, please offer your services to a student teacher. Let them come to your classroom, learn from you, work out their bugs, spread their wings, and catch the Immersion fever! I try to encourage High School students who are preparing to enter college to consider Immersion education. Hey, I even encourage my first graders to consider being a teacher one day! I figure it's never too early to start recruiting! 

Happy hunting, everyone! I look forward to meeting our new 7th grade Immersion teacher, and my new student teacher! ¡Bienvenidos!

~Sheryl René

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